Physical Based Rendering

This is a rendering technique that tries to mimimc real life lighting, that is why it is called “physically based rendering”, we want to stray further from the classic “Blinn-Phong” rendering technique and we want to get closer to how really light interacts with everything in real life.

This is why we first need to know about a few advanced topics such as framebuffers, cubemaps, normal mapping to be able to continue further with this technique without any mishaps. For us to be able to mimic reality we need to get to a very “microscopical” level and that is why the microfacet model exists.

The Microfacet Model

Pretty much all the PBR techniques that you will see around the internet are based on this theory of microfacets. In a microscopic scale we will have tiny reflective mirrors called microfacets, those mirros depending on given properties such as roughness or the alignment they have will define in which direction a ray might scatter for example.

Here is an example of a rough surface and a smooth surface:

Rough Vs Smooth Surface Clean With No Rays

We need to consider that the rougher a surface is the more chaotic it will be and the more the light rays will scatter around the surface outwards whereas in a smoother surface the reflection will be more uniform and we will be able to see a reflection (just like a real life mirror!).

Rough Vs Smooth Surface with Light Rays Casted

Note: Consider that no surface is going to be perfectly 100% smooth at a microscopic level, but at least we can have a clear distinction between what is very rough and what is clearly smoothed out.

To be able to have this distinction between rough and smooth surfaces we need to introduce a roughness parameter, based on this parameter we will be calculating the ratio of microfacets that are aligned to a specific direction vector h, h being the halfway vector that sits between the light l and the view vector v.

Half Vector Calculation

This means that the more the microfacets are aligned to the halfway vector h the sharper and stronger the specular reflection of the object will be, in addition to that we still have the roughness parameter that we can willingly tweak to approach the microfacets to our liking as in the following image:

Roughness 0.1 to 1.0

We can see that if we have almost zero roughness the specular is sharper whereas if we get it close to 0.8 or 1.0 the specular tends to be more difuminated, implying that the light rays scatter more compared to when they are close to zero where the rays almost do not scatter.

Energy Conservation

Essentially this means that the light leaving a surface can never be brighter than the light that fell upon it. For us to have a clear distinction of this and have a real appreciation if there is really energy conservation we need to separate the light in their diffuse and specular components Kd and Ks. We need to make obvious that the moment an actual light ray hits a surface it splits in two components, the REFRACTED part and the REFLECTED part.

We can deduct that the reflected part is obviously the part that hits the surface and does not get absorbed in it, it just purely bounces off the surface whereas the refracted one partially enters the surface and gets absorbed in the object, this is what we know as the diffuse component of the light, the one that gets absorbed in the object’s surface.

Refracted Vs Reflected

We need to consider that for our current implementation of PBR both components Kd and Ks are mutually exclusive ths means that light that gets reflected will no longer get absorbed by the object in the shape of diffuse lighting and likewise for the refracted one, it will not emerge towards the surface of the object to contribute to reflected light, this is just a simplification so we can have an easier distinction between both components.

To be able to preserve the energy we first calculate the specular fraction percentage of the incoming light and then substract it the leftover to get the diffuse.

float kS = calculateSpecularComponent();
float kD = 1.0 - kS;

This way we make sure that both components never exceed the value of 1.0, this allows us to control the energy conservation principle, something that was not taken into account for example in the Blinn-Phong rendering technique for lighting.

The Reflectance Equation

(Reference Table for some mathematic symbols) | Symbol | Short Description | | :—— |:— | | L | Denoted as the radiance in the reflectance equation. | | Φ | Denoted as the radiant flux, it is the transmitted energy of a light source measured in Watts. | | ω | Denoted as the solid angle, it tells us the area of a shape projected onto a unit sphere. | | I | Denoted as the radiant intensity, it is used to measure the amount of radiant flux per solid angle. |

Now comes one of the hardest parts of this post, breaking down the reflectance equation to be able to fully understand PBR and how does it work internally as far as mathematics goes. Just to get a bit friendly with the equation, here is a first glance at it, it might appear a bit daunting but we will try our best to break it down so you can understand it, and we hopefully can understand it a bit better (haha…).

The Reflectance Equation PBR

Diving straight into the reflectance equation we need to understand the first variable that we see, in this case the L, it is often referred as the radiance and it is used to quantify the magnitude or strength of luight coming from a single direction.

Afterwards we have the next variable, Φ which is called radiant flux and it is the transmitted energy of a light source measured in watts. Our eyes can only perceive a specific area of the wavelength spectrum of light, it goes from 390 nm to 700nm. Those wavelengths are associated witha specific color and if we go out of those boundaries we will not be able to perceive them anymore, here is an image to clarify:

Wavelength Light Spectrum

The radiant flux in itself basically measures the total are of the different wavelengths we encounter in the image, but for the sake of simplification and simplicity for computer graphics, it is not going to act as a calculus for varying wavelength strengths but as an RGB triplet or as we say, the light’s color.

In addition to that we have the solid angle which can be defined with the ω symbol, as previously said it is going to help us calculate the area of a shape projected in an unit sphere, think of it the following way, imagine you are inside the sphere and you are looking outwards towards a specific direction where you see a shape of an object, the size of the silhouette of that given object makes out what we call the solid angle.

Solid Angle Example

Now we have the radiant intensity which is represented with the I symbol, this basically measures the amount of radiant flux there is per solid angle, in other words the strength of a light source over a specific projected area in a unit sphere.

Radiant Intensity Example

To be able to calculate this radiant intensity we utilize the following equation which in this case is: Radiant Intensity Equation

After having all the components of the puzzle, radiant flux, radiant intensity, solid angle, we can finally determine the radiance which is the total observed energy in an area A over the solid angle ω of a light radiant intensity of Φ.

Radiance Calculation

If we split the sphere in halfs and we had a plane in the middle of it as you can observe in the image, radiance would be the amount of light in an area scaled by an indicent angle θ to the surface’s normal as cos θ, the radiance is the strongest the more perpendicular it is to the surface’s normal.

float cosTheta = dot(lightDirection, Norm);

Here we are interested in calculating a single ray’s radiance value, we can do it if we convert the solid angle ω into a direction vector ω and the A which is the area over the solid angle into a point p, this way we will be able to utilize a single point’s radiance value and calculate per-fragment radiance.

In computer graphics all we care about is all the incoming light upon a point p which is the sum of all radiance known as irradiance.

So going back to the reflectance equation:

The Reflectance Equation PBR #2

We now know that L is the radiance of some point p in an infinitely small solid angle (the size of a pixel in the screen) ωi which can be thought as the incoming direction vector ωi.

We also know that the closer the angle is to the perpendicular (the normal of the plane) the stronger the radiance is, so this way we know that n * ωi is the light’s incident angle to the surface.

As we previously mentioned, our main goal here is to calculate something that we know as irradiance which is the sum of all the radiance onto a point p which represented with the equation terms is Lo(p,ωo), it essentially translates to the sum of the reflected radiance of a point p in the direction ωo which is thought to be the outgoing direction in which the viewer is observing, in this case the camera, us.

Okay, hold up, this is starting to sound complicated, at this point we might have lost you for sure, a quick resume on what all this paragraph above means is that Lo pretty much measures the summatory of the light’s irradiance onto a point p viewed from ωo, so think of it that you are the camera and you are casting a infinitely small light of ray to a specific fragment at position p, you are essentially calculating the sum of the irradiance at that specific point.

To be able to do a more precise calculation on the physics side of things, we are going to expand on the concept of capturing all incoming irradiance from all possible directions onto a specific point p. This will be known as the hemisphere, it is going to be centered around point p and it will capture and sum up all the radiance of the light that comes from all those directions, 360 degrees. It is important to remark that it is aligned with the surface’s normal n.

Hemisphere Exemplification

To be able to calculate all the values inside this hemispherical area, we utilize something that we might or might not know called an integral, it is shown in the reflectance equation with the shapeand it indicates the sum of all radiance in all the incoming directions ` dωi withing the hemisphere Ω`.

All the calculations done for the sum of radiance onto point p from direction ωi are also scaled by a factor fr that is mostly known as the BRDF or bidirectional reflective distribution function that essentially scaled the incoming radiance based on the surface’s properties.

BRDF (Bidirectional Reflective Distribution Funcion)

This function takes as input the following information:

  • n (surface normal)
  • ωo (outgoing view direction)
  • ωi (incoming light direction)
  • a (represents the roughness of the microsurface)

In essence this function will define how much each individual light ray with direction ωi has contributed to the final reflected light of an opaque surface given the properties of the object. If we have a mirror that fully reflects, the BRDF part of the reflectance function would return 0.0 for all incoming rays with direction ωi.

Warning: If the incoming ray direction ωi is the same as the outgoing ray ωo, the BRDF function will return 1.0, it only happens on that specific case.

Almost everyone nowadays utilizes a very famous BRDF called Cook-Torrance BRDF because it contains both the diffuse and specular parts and the formula is the following:

BRDF Formula

As previously mentioned at the beginning of the post, we know that we have a refracted and a reflected component for lighting, they both correspond to the Kd and Ks variables respectively, we notice that both of those variables in the formula are known to us, so no problem there, but we encounter a new one, the lambertian diffuse which is represented like this flambert, we need to remark that it is a constant factor that denotes the diffuse component and the formula is:

Lambertian Diffuse

In this case c is the albedo or surface color, in this case we divide by pi to be able to normalize the diffuse light as the reflectance equation is scaled by pi, so to normalize it back we divide it by the same quantity.

In general, the previously mentioned Cook-Torrance BRDF is separated in various functions that each one of them do a specific thing to contribute to realistic lighting, D, F and G represent a function that is specialized in something very specific, and those are the following:

  • Normal distribution function.
  • Geometry function.
  • Fresnel equation.

This equations and functions have their real life equivalent in physics, we can pick whatever approximated version we want such as Trowbridge-Reiz GGX for D or the V_Smith GGX Fuction.

So it is up to the developer to choose whichever function to utilize to represent the physical rendered lighting in the scene of the engine, in our case we went pretty default and utilized Trowbridge-Reitz GGX, Fresnel-Schlick for F and Smith Schlick-GGX for G.

Cook Torrance Formula

Normal Distribution Function

This function specifically approximates the surface area of a microfacets exactly aligned to the halfway vector h, it is an alignment corrector towards the normals given a specific roughness parameter.

Trowbridge-Reitz GGX Formula

The formula in its own seems complicated to understand but whenever we translate it to code it seems simpler:

float DistributionGGX(float NdotH, float roughness)
    float a = roughness * roughness;
    float a2 = a*a;
    float NdotH2 = NdotH*NdotH;

    float num = a2;
    float denom = NdotH2 * (a2 - 1.0) + 1.0;
    denom = PI * denom * denom;

    return num / max(denom, 0.0000001);

Geometry Function

Geometry Function Example

This function causes microsurfaces to overshadow each other, causing light rays to be occluded, giving a less uniform lighting look given a roughness parameter. The higher the actual roughness parameter is, the more chances your microsurface shave to overshadow other microsurfaces and the more shadowed the object is going to look like.

Smith Schlick-GGX

Once again the formula might be daunting but it is not that difficult whenever represented in code, we need to consider that this is going to be a combination of two formulas Beckmann’s approximation and GGX:

// Schlick-Beckmann
float GeometrySchlickGGX(float valDot, float roughness)
    float r = roughness + 1.0;
    float k = (r * r) / 8.0;

    float num = valDot;
    float denom = valDot * (1.0 - k) + k;

    return num/denom;

// Smith GGX
float GeometrySmith(float NdotV, float NdotL, float roughness)
    float ggx2 = GeometrySchlickGGX(NdotV, roughness);
    float ggx1 = GeometrySchlickGGX(NdotL, roughness);

    return ggx1 * ggx2;

The results will be clamped in a value between [0.0, 1.0] and the following changes can be appreciated:

Geometry Function from 0.0 to 1.0

Fresnel Equation

Fresnel Example

The Fresnel equation is the ratio of ligth that gets reflected over the light that gets refracted and it varies depending on the viewDir, whenever we look at a surface from a specific perspective, straight in this case, we have a base reflectivity, whenever we start looking it from an angle, all the reflections start being more apparent compared to the base reflectivity when we looked straight, this effect can be approximated computationally wise with the Fresnel-Schlick approximation and it is the following one:


Obviously it looks daunting at first but whenever we represent this in code it simplifies a lot:

 vec3 fresnelSchlick(float HdotV, vec3 baseReflectivity)
    return baseReflectivity + (1.0 - baseReflectivity) * pow(1.0 - HdotV, 5.0);

vec3 fresnelSchlickRoughness(float HdotV, vec3 baseReflectivity, float roughness)
    return baseReflectivity + 
    (max(vec3(1.0 - roughness), baseReflectivity) - baseReflectivity) * 
    pow(1.0 - HdotV, 5.0);

We need to remark that this equation will only work for Dielectric (non-metallic) surfaces, for metallic surfaces the calculations are completely different.

Full Cook-Torrance Reflectance Equation

Full Cook-Torrance Reflectance Equation Example

As we can see, from the very simplistic form of calculating single rays towards point p with starting direction ωo towards light direction ωi we substituted it mostly with real life physical equation approximations that transform light in such a way to make it realistic. To be able to utilize this equation we need to have the output of our lights in our scene as previously explained in this post in case you have not read it, you can check it out here.

For example to calculate the PBR lighting for the directional lights in our scene we have the following GLSL code:

void main()

  vec3 camPos =;

	vec4 albedo = texture(u_color_texture, uvs);
	vec4 worldPosition = texture(u_position_texture, uvs);
	vec4 worldNormal = texture(u_normal_texture, uvs);
    float metallic = albedo.w;
    albedo.w = 1.0;

    float roughness = worldPosition.w;
    worldPosition.w = 1.0;

    float ao = worldNormal.w;
    worldNormal.w = 0.0;


    //Camera- fragment vector
    vec3 V = normalize(camPos -;

    //0.04 is plastic metallic value (almost none) and albedo is the most metallic value. Depending on metallic would interpolate to one or another
    vec3 baseReflectivity = vec3(0.04);
    baseReflectivity = mix(baseReflectivity, vec3(, metallic);
    vec3 radiance = vec3(0.0);

    vec4 lightSpacePositions[kMaxDirectionalLights];

    vec3 outputLuminance = vec3(0.0);
    int numOfLightsDirectional = int(numOfLights.x);
    int numOfLightsSpot = int(numOfLights.y);
    int numOfLightsPoint = int(numOfLights.z);

    vec3 N =;
    float NdotV = max(dot(N, V), 0.0000001);

    for (int i = 0; i < numOfLightsDirectional; ++i)
        lightSpacePositions[i] = u_light_p_matrix[i] * u_light_v_matrix[i] * worldPosition;
        radiance = CalculateDirectionalLights(directionalLights[i], worldNormal, lightSpacePositions[i], albedo, i).xyz;

        vec3 L = -directionalLights[i];
        vec3 H = normalize(V + L);

        float NdotL = max(dot(N, L), 0.0000001);
        float NdotH = max(dot(N, H), 0.0);
        float HdotV = max(dot(H, V), 0.0);
        // Cook Torrance BRDF
        float NDF = DistributionGGX(NdotH, roughness);
        float G = GeometrySmith(NdotV, NdotL, roughness);
        vec3 F = fresnelSchlick(HdotV, baseReflectivity);

        vec3 kS = F;
        vec3 kD = vec3(1.0) - kS;
        kD *= 1.0 - metallic;

        vec3 numerator = NDF * G * F;
        float denominator = 4.0 * NdotV * NdotL;
        vec3 specular = numerator / max(denominator, 0.0000001);

        outputLuminance += (kD * / PI + specular) * radiance * NdotL * (1 - CalculateShadowFactor(lightSpacePositions[i], vec4(-L,0.0), i));

    vec3 color = ambient + outputLuminance;

    //Tone mapping
    color = color / (color + vec3(1.0));
    //Gama correction
    color = pow(color, vec3(1.0/2.2)); 

   	gColorResult = vec4(color, 1.0);

Notice that we do some tone mapping and gamma correction as extra post-processing to have a more correct look on PBR. We later pass this information to the color g-buffer so it can be outputed to the final quad. In case you are interested in reading about deferred rendering you can check out this post here.


This rendering technique is not easy to explain mathematically speaking, there a lot of variables and factors that need to be considered, you need to have a lot of advanded knowledge about radiance or about the graphic-backend you are utilizing to be able to implement this without too much trouble, as far as the mathematic formulas for Cook-Torrance, you can find variations of those equations each one with slightly different effects that can enrich the look of your scene depending on your specific needs.

As always, we need to thank LearnOpenGL and PBR Filament for the images and the explanation on this rendering technique.