Alvaro Soriano Romero

My name is Alvaro Soriano and I love Graphics Programming and Games Development & Design. I love diving into new technologies (and techniques) and exploring them, that is why I ported my Graphics Engine to Playstation 4 as soon as I had the possibility. I put passion and a big effort on everything I do, and that encourages people around me to go ahead and continue facing challenges.

I would like to find a comfortable environment where I can learn from big professionals of the Industry and from challenging projects that push me to the edge of my capabilities.

Ivan Ivanov Mandev

I am a junior programmer that is introducing himself in the videogames industry, I am from Bulgaria, Sofia and lived most of my life in Spain.

Given my interest in this world, in 2018 I started my studies in ESAT (Valencia, Spain) where I learnt all the disciplines that pertain to video games programming, this allowed me to have a solid foundation and a base from which I can expand my professional future, focusing on the video games industry altogether.

This education I received in ESAT allowed me to widen my horizons and allow me to introduce myself in the videogames industry as soon as possible. With the skills I have learnt my goal is in the long run develop a wholesome indie game with people that I meet along my journey in the videogames industry, just enjoying the teamwork and the communication and the whole process of creating a product that I can truly call “mine” alongside my partners in crime.

As far as hobbies and videogames I play, now that I shifted my focus to developing I tend to have less time to play videogames but my favourite genres are Rogue-likes, Puzzle Games and most of the Nintendo Games as you might have guessed.

As far as other hobbies, as any other normal human being, I like to watch series, read novels, do calisthenics and overall enjoy my time developing and evolving my own interpersonal skills such as doing pixelart, learning blender, adobe illustrator, adobe photoshop, etc.